第4届平遥国际电影展费穆荣誉之最佳男演员 The 4th Pingyao International Film Festival Fei Mu Awards for Best Actor Kun seems to be messing up pretty much everything: his senior year at film school, the job on his friend’s graduation film, and the relationship with his girlfriend. But Kun just got his driving license. With it and the cheapest second-hand car he could find : an old wreck of a Jeep Cherokee – these might turn out to be the key to his wildest dreams. 即将大学毕业的阿坤,也是个电影收音师。正站在大学和社会分水岭上的他,像所有急于驰骋的少年一样,迫不及待地要好好闯荡一番。拿到驾照后,阿坤邂逅了自己的二手吉普车,本以为它会给生活带来新的可能,但它却将自己带到了人生的另一个路口。在这段荒腔走板的日子中,阿坤逐渐意识到了成长的代价和生命的无常。 • Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.